The Tourism Club at the College of Applied Science Ayalur is an engaging and vibrant student organization
dedicated to promoting awareness and appreciation of tourism and its multifaceted impacts. Through a
variety of activities, including field trips, workshops, seminars, and cultural events, the club aims to
enhance students' understanding of the tourism industry, its economic significance, and its role in
cultural exchange and environmental conservation. Members of the Tourism Club actively participate in
organizing and attending excursions to notable tourist destinations, thereby gaining first-hand
experience and practical insights into tourism management and hospitality practices. The club also
collaborates with local tourism authorities and professionals, providing students with valuable
networking opportunities and exposure to real-world industry dynamics. By fostering a passion for travel,
culture, and sustainable tourism practices, the Tourism Club at CAS Ayalur plays a pivotal role in
broadening students' horizons and preparing them for potential careers in the thriving tourism sector.

Smt Anit Sebi : ph 9656750075
Sri Ajith G : ph 7994859391



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